Through the analysis of current service discovery model, particularly for the features of the mobile environments, we improved current service discovery algorithm, introduced a service discovery algorithm based on the caching mechnism of service lookupers. We established an application migration model in mobile environments to solve the application migration problem in mobile environments. In this paper, we introduced some concepts, such as Task cheap wedding gown dresses 2010 Manager, Context Observer, Environment Manager, Supplier. We also interpreted the function of every part. In AMFME model, the users can find proper services in remote places to satisfy their needs and continue their task.This paper has obtained certain research results in two aspects of service cheap bridal wedding dress 2010 discovery and application migration. Through the the flat iron shop for us experiments in the laboratory, we proved the correctness and usability of the service discovery algorithm. We also proved that this algorithm is better than current algorithms both in speed and quality to discovery services when the network is unstable and bandwith-limited. Through the experiments of 12hot cheap prom dresses simulating real place changing, AMFME can support the application chi flat iron store migration very well.Based on the background of pervasive computing in mobile environments, we introduced a service discovery algorithm that is fit for this environment. This is very important for the future work of improving service discovery quality. And the AMFME model can not only provide a new method for application migration, but also direct the projects in reality.